Members of the St. Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Youth Club (above) prior to handing out the gifts (below) yesterday
You could have seen the broad smiles and cheers on the faces of the children last Sunday as the members of the St. Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Youth Club (SFXRCYC) arrived after the Sunday Mass to distribute toys to the boys and girls of Ascension parish.
They had just come from doing the same thing at their mother parish, St. Francis Xavier R.C. at Port Mourant and other Catholic churches along the East Berbice area.
It was part of the Christmas programme of activities planned by the newly- resuscitated club that had been in existence for a number of years.
Mr. Hilbert Foster recently brought back much life and vigour to the popular youth group.
They also presented four senior citizens with hampers last Sunday at Ascension. Fr. Michael Traher, SFM praised the initiative of Mr. Foster and the youths of the club. Rebecca Jotish of the St. Maria Goretti Youth Group also spoke words of thanks and appreciation to the team of young people and extended warm invitation for them to come back anytime.
Mr. Foster stated that it was a delight for the club to be spreading the joys and cheers of this holiday season with the less fortunate and kids. He made a request for assistance in training their new choir.
It is hoped that choir members of Ascension and other parishes in Berbice and Guyana would give assistance to St. Francis Xavier R.C. Church choir.
The club has a packed schedule in the coming day and weeks. Currently, there are 25 members in the club. The President if Mr. Andrew Smart; Secretary, Veronica Narain; Adult members: Hilbert Foster; Coreen Rose; Rhonda Gomes; Pamela King; and Fr. Mohan Joseph.
The SFRCYC’s grand Christmas concert is set for this Sunday from 6:00pm in the church at Port Mourant!
(Leon Suseran)