Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the mission of the Council?

The Council of Friends of New Amsterdam (COFONA) is an umbrella organization that fosters networking among individuals, associations, groups, government agencies and other bodies to promote the social, education, cultural, and economic development of New Amsterdam.

  • What are the benefits of becoming a member of COFONA?

Members benefit in several ways. First, membership dues would support projects adopted for funding by the Council; second, affiliated groups would increase their funding base; third, individuals with businesses would be encouraged to promote their business among the membership, and members would be encouraged to support the business of their town folk; fourth, the combined efforts of individuals would be maximized; and fifth, a database of skilled professionals would be developed.

  • How do I become a member of the Council?

Membership is open to individuals, associations, and other entities that share an interest in New Amsterdam. Membership dues for an individual is $40 annually. Children and youths who are in school or college is $20.

Membership dues are due at the beginning of the anniversary month of the Inaugural Form of COFONA, i.e. September 1st  of each calendar year.

  • Where could I get more information on COFONA

Information on COFONA could be found on its website at:

  • I am interested in funding a project but would like my Association, e.g. BEI Alumni Association to get the credit, how would this work?

Each affiliated association would continue to work on behalf of their association’s interest and commitment. Projects funded by these affiliated associations would retain credit for their projects. The association would benefit from networking with a larger group to achieve their goal.

  • Would contributions be tax deductible?

Monetary contributions to COFONA would be tax deductible in the United States. Gifts that are non-monetary would be eligible to be valued at the acceptable rate for a non-profit contribution.

  • How would the Council fund projects identified for funding?

Funds for projects would be raised in several ways. First, membership dues would form the basis for funding recurring projects identified for funding.  By enlarging the membership base more resources would be available to fund these projects.

Second, annual funding raising activities would be promoted to support specific projects and programs. These activities would be coordinated among the affiliated associations to avoid scheduling conflicts and to maximize the resources of the membership base.

Third, grants, funding and support from national, regional and international foundations and agencies would be solicited. Use of consultants for grant funding would be utilized to maximize access to funds.

Fourth, donations and gifts from large corporations and entities would be solicited and encouraged as a means of obtaining essential and costly items.

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