An exhibit depicting air pollution (Ms. Conway the organizer is inset)
First and Final Year Primary and Nursery teachers pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Education demonstrated their creativity and resourcefulness during the recent Annual Exhibition of Instructional Materials held by the University of Guyana Berbice Campus’s (UGBC).
This exhibition was launched under the theme “Conservation Our Environment; Securing our Future.”
Exhibition organizer, Lecturer Marcia Conway, said the general idea is for the students to create/construct creative teaching/instructional materials that can be used or implemented in the classroom.
She added that after being exposed to the methodological and theoretical aspect of the course ESS 4203- Teaching of social Studies at the Primary Level 11 , “teachers will practically demonstrate what was learnt, thus this exhibition.”
Additionally, since the focus was on conservation, local, recycled and environmentally friendly materials were used to construct the exhibits “and they (exhibits) catered for the different levels of learners and also the learning styles of children.”
“It is the hope, that after today’s “work of art “or creativity, that the myth or misconception that teaching is all about the ‘chalk- and- talk’ method will be examined from the other side of the spectrum and that this activity will benefits educators, parents, students and teachers especially those that are trainees, for example, those at Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE).”
Ideas and knowledge gained, she further stated, can be adopted in an effort to foster learning to have efficient and effective curriculum delivery and to “generally improve performance level thus improving the quality of education in Guyana.”
“It is also my hope that this exhibition will bring an awareness of the creativity and multitalented teachers within our education system to the Policy Makers and Education Officials, so that some form of collaborative and cohesive initiatives can be done in curriculum planning, designing and implementation thus enhancing academic and social performance of learners and in turn will contribute to improved education for all in our dear Guyana.”
(Leon Suseran)